Hey There,
Well, we had a great visit with the inlaws and a great Spring Break. We also had a brief visit from my husband's cousin who was visiting the US from Switzerland for a conference. So the house was full and we really enjoyed our time with family.
We visited San Antonia again (which reminds me I never shared pics of our first visit there!), Austin for the first time (love, love, love Austin!!) and Bandera, cowboy capital of the world! We spent loads of time in the garden together as well. The weather was fantastic for most of the last few weeks. Warm, sunny days, with a bit needed rain mixed in. New things are blooming daily in the garden and my father-in-law did alot of garden clean out and new plantings for us (thanks Opa!). The kids started their new Spring sports programs. Leah is playing tennis for the first time, and Lucas is playing T-ball for the first time. Hubby is the tennis coach and I am the team mom for T-ball, so we are having fun lending a helping hand as well. Here are just a few pictures from the last weeks in March.
Like I mentioned, the weather was nice and we spent alot of time out doors. I spent alot of time in the kitchen, making some of our favorite warm weather dishes, like this salad.
And eating them outdoors.
The kids spent a lot of quality time with their grandparents, playing games and helping in the garden, as well as splashing in the pool.
We saw lots of Long Horns, including this beauty in Bandera, Texas.
After a short stop in Bandera, we ate lunch in Fredricksburg, Texas and then stumbled upon a lovely state park en route to Austin.
We really enjoyed our time in Austin, and have already planned to head back there in June. The state capital building and grounds are just lovely.
On the way home from Austin, we stopped at the Lady Bird Wildflower Nature Center. Oh, so beautiful! We can hardly wait to make it back there soon. The Blue Bonnets were spectacular.
And there were a ton of interesting cacti for me to photograph.
While at the Wildflower & Nature Center, we met Curlin and Laurie, two super nice and talented ladies!
I was drawn to their booth by the colors and immediately recognized Laurie's fabric from a Spoonflower newsletter and her Etsy shop! And then Leah spotted Curlin's ridiculously cute new embroidery patterns and had to have one (her first embroidery cute..smiles!). The embroidery kit is so cute, there are boy and girl versions, and it comes with all you need, hook, floss and all. I may need to incorporate it into my summer stitching classes that I'll be doing at a local fabric shop (read more about that below!). In fact, I must. It would be perfect for a class!
I am looking forward to hooking up with these girls again when I head back to Austin. Curlin and I already have some ideas buzzing around. I do hope we can collaborate on something fabulous!
Next up, the Space Center. What a great time we had there. We all learned a ton, and after 5 hours, we still did not get to see everything.
Lucas has already decided he will definitely be going into outerspace when he grows up!
This exhibition showing the lab set up in Space totally brought back memories for hubby and me and our time in graduate school at MIT. We both did our PhD work synthesizing air sensitive compounds, and so 90% of our work was done in glove boxes like these shown below. Cool, huh? Gosh, I may need to find a lab to work in part time. A part of me is starting to really missing working in the lab. sigh.
A few more images, messages if you will, from the Space Center Exhibition that I enjoyed.
On their last day here, we celebrated my mother-in-laws 76th birthday. She is really an impressive woman. Next week, she'll be recording yet another new CD...at 76 years old! I think that is pretty darn cool! We just hope we have the health and vitality that they do when we reach that age!
Thanks for coming and visiting with us Gro and Opa and for celebrating with us! Can't wait to see you two again in the Fall!
After this little vacation, I am slowly getting caught up on business things:
Taxes (joy!),
getting the new website setup and launched,
custom dyeing fabrics for new projects,
making a custom quilt and tables cloths for a wedding (yes, my first wedding...so excited! My largest commision to date!),
custom dyeing fabrics for a new local customer(very fun!),
custom making 2 quilts and 2 pillows for my mother-in-law (we had fun together in my fabric room, picking fabrics and sketching out designs!),
making custom Easter clothes for a new local customer (now a new friend as well),
getting curricula, patterns (my own new line) and kits together for new sewing classes I will be teaching at a local fabric shop (yes....finally..a place to teach! And yes, finally, my own line of patterns! I am so giddy about this!)
and taking pictures and getting new products uploaded here (lots of new mixed fabric bundles coming soon!).
So much. Always so much. (I know alot of you reading this can relate...we are all always so busy, right!).
But this is all happy and creative stuff. So I am definitely not complaining at all. These times are so hard right now, especially for small business, so I am beyond grateful that I have work. I realized now is not the time to say no to orders. So I'll just have to sleep less to get it all done.(smiles)
I do know it will all come together whenever it is meant to, and I have actually finally made it to that point in all of this where I no longer beat myself up for all the things I have not gotten done yet, and instead pat myself on the back and cheer myself on for all the things I have undertaken and accomplished. I have realized that I have to be my best cheerleader. I have to stay positive and focused on my long term goals. These baby steps are all necessary. And I have enjoy them and the process and not be afraid of what lies ahead and instead embrace all my blessings and opportunities.
Like nearly every mom out there, there will always be a ton of balls to juggle. We do our best to keep all the balls in the air. And if one falls, no biggie. Just pick it back up whenever the time is right and keep on juggling!
Truth be told, I sometimes think, Sheree, come on, just stop and focus on one thing...one thing. But that is just not me! I have learned that. I am happiest when I have a mix of things going on. It takes a bit longer to complete projects, but I am much more creative and I have so much more fun. That is what Sheree's Alchemy is all about, right!
I'll be back soon with more sneak peeks of items that will be available as well as some other things to share. I also need to get back on track with my freebie Fridays! I have missed a few weeks now and will make up for that for sure. :) I still have some patterns from Amy Butler Designs to giveaway.
Okay, I'd better wrap this up.
Back soon,