I did it again. Thought I'd get back to this space last week and it just did not work out that way. It seems so many things are coming together right now...all goods things..but all things taking time and attention. I did start using the draft option in Typepad though, so I can start working on postings in advance. That's the hardest part...finding long periods to sit here and get everything typed in. Hopefully this new approach will help keep me on course. Because I have so much to share this summer and so many wonderful giveaways lined up!
So let's get to it!
First up, some pics of my new studio space in downtown Houston. I took the kids down last week to check out the space. They think it is so cool that mom has a studio space and are already making plans to take over!
the loft
my closet for storing dyes, paints, etc..
This space has such great light! This brick wall can't be touched...but will be a great backdrop as is for some photoshoots!
Lucas and his dusty knees from rolling around on the floor! He loves the old red chair. My studio mate has a matching sofa that she will bring in to the space...she got the set free on Houston Freecycle! I so need to check that site out soon! Check out my studio mates cool photography equipment!
I am renting out half of this space from a wonderful photograher. She has been slowly moving in to this space, but finding that her day job does not leave time for her to be in at more than 2-3 days a week. So I've joined her and am just thrilled! Since she is a photographer, she has built in a whole dark room..which I only need for the sink, as I will be using this space for my fabric printing and dyeing as well as some painting and whatever else I decide to try that makes a big mess! I have moved some of my things in, but not much. This month is just super packed for me, so I'll use this month to move in and setup and maybe I'll find a day or two before June is over to actually get some "work" done in there. I have decided to not teach any classes in July, so I can focus on the trunk show and pattern development and also hoping to spend lots of time in the studio. This will also be a great place to do my photoshoots for the website and the new pattern collection!
The light in this place is amazing! I just snapped a couple quick shots, as I forgot to bing my regular lens along and just had the portrait lens with me. I'll be showing progress in this space of course as things get set up and I start working in there!
Speaking of the website, I did get some pictures of the girls in some more sets. But have not carved out time to get anything new up. I hope in the next couple weeks to. I am so focused on the trunk show and completing custom orders that are coming in that I have to put that update on the back burner for now! I really need to hire some help! I did get in a new load of labels though.
More are on the way. But these will get me through the trunk show!
Here are some quick pics of a few new items I made for the trunk show.
Whisper Emma Dress
Fancy Free Emma Dress
Giddy Up Tiered Skirt Set
Summer Patch Tiered Skirt Set
I also mentioned that I have been working hard on the new pattern collection. This has been so fun and mentally exhausting at the same time! Forcing myself to slow down and write down the steps in a way that I think new sewers will understand has been more challenging than I thought. All of my teaching in the past has been without patterns and face to face, hands on. I feel quite comfortable teaching that way. I am a very tactile learner, learning by doing. So the in person teaching is much easier for me. To get more practice with the writing, I spent time last week writing out the instructions for all the projects I designed for my kids summer sewing camps. As I mentioned, they start on Monday. They totally over booked the classes! So instead of teaching 2 classes, I am now teaching 4 classes! All but 2 of the 20 students are buying my materials kits as well, so I spent time putting together their custom kits as well! I can't wait to tell you all how these classes go and show you the projects!
Speaking of patterns, I am excited to say that I will be launching the new pattern collection at the Fall Quilt Market here in Houston in October!!!!!!!!!! Yes! My very own booth at Market! I am so thrilled and terrified at the same time! I'll have a booth at Quilt Festival (the retail show) as well. October is going to be so insane...but so thrilling. (Remember, I'll also be doing the Lance Armstrong Live Strong ride in Austin as well!). October will be here sooner than I can blink, and I have never done a trade show before. So I have tons of work ahead of me. I am nervous beyond believe. But the excitement I have for sharing my work with this audience is totally outwaying that!
So in an effort to prepare for Market and Festival, I am doing a serious overhaul and purge of my home studio space! My fabric website, Sheree's Alchemy, will be undergoing some major changes, as I won't have the time to manage this site, Sheree's Atelier and all the new projects that are underway. I am going through the stash looking for must have pieces to showcase at my booth at market and to sew up for Festival, I have re-discovered so many gorgeous fabrics that honestly, I forgot I even had! I am also finding some that are lovely, but just not my style anymore. I also have bins and bins and bins of scraps to part with. I may put some up on the website for super great prices as I start to clear out alot of that inventory to prepare for the changes. Lots will finds it way on Ebay and Etsy as well! I need to find some time to sort and bag and get that done. In the meantime, I'll be sharing a bunch with you all as part of my Super Summer Giveaways! (I need to make a button for this!).
For this first one, I have stuffed a Flat Rate Priority Mail box with loads of gorgeous fabric scraps. My scrap pieces are pretty big, as I mostly make clothing. So if you use scraps in your projects, I think you'll enjoy this box of goodies. The pieces are great for patchwork quilts, applique, softie making, coin purses, etc.. There is a mix of fabric from US, European and Japanese collections. Many, many out of prints goodies as well.
For those of you that mentioned you want some selvedges..there are loads in here! And yes, you can enter even if you don't live in the US.
In addition to the box of scraps, you also get this pattern from Amy Butler. There are many pieces in the box large enough for making these and you can embellish them with applique or flowers using more of the scraps!
Here are the rules for entry. You have 5 opportunites to enter.
1.Leave a comment here telling me what you'd do with the scraps if you win.
2. Blog about this giveaway on your blog...then comment here telling me you blogged about it, and leave a link so we can all come by and say Hello!
3. Be a mailing list or feed subscriber. Leave a post here telling me which you subscribe to.
4. Twitter about this giveaway. Leave me a comment here telling me you tweeted and leave a link. I am actually signed up for twitter, but have no idea how to send a tweet. Folks have started to find me there and have added me there lists. I need to get up from under my rock and figure this whole twitter thing out. I just started to get the hang of facebook...geez! It all moves too fast for me!
5. Be a member of the Sheree's Alchemy Sewing Circle on flickr. Again, leave a comment here letting me know you are there and feel free to link to your flickr page...again, so we can find you and your lovely pictures!
I'll be pre-celebrating my launch at Quilt Market and Festival all summer long with great giveaways, so this will be the format I'll use for all these giveaways. Sorry to make you keep leaving comments here, but that is just the easiest way to keep track of the entries! If you have trouble commenting here, please do email and I'll add you on at the end.
Get in your entries by Wednesday, June 24th. I'll close the comments in that evening and will do the drawing and announce the winner here on the blog on Thursday, June 25th. As always, I'll use the random number generator to select the winner.
Okay, I'd better run. The kids are way too quiet...I'd better check to see what they are up to!
I've just twitted about this giveaway :)https://twitter.com/buebau
Posted by: buebau | June 17, 2009 at 10:47 AM
I'm in your mailing list too*
Posted by: buebau | June 17, 2009 at 10:48 AM
i would love this box of fab scraps and the pattern and would sew dresses and matching bags for my granddaughters ...
Posted by: darlene | June 17, 2009 at 10:49 AM
I'm a member of the Sheree's Alchemy Sewing Circle on flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/fio_d_art/
Posted by: buebau | June 17, 2009 at 10:50 AM
i just joined the sewing circle and my name is *midnight hysteria* for my blog, on which i have not written in almost a year ... i know, bad, bad me!
Posted by: darlene | June 17, 2009 at 10:51 AM
And I just realised that my 1st comment has disapeared :(Here it goes again :)
1st of all, congratulations on you wonderful working space! it looks amazing! I love the birdcage in your 1st photo.
You have so many great projects going on at the same time! how can you manage everything??? it's insane... but great :) I wish you all the luck and success with the market and the festival!
About the giveaway, you know I love your scraps :) They'd be great for me to use in my 1st patchwork project. I've had a patchwork workshop last month and I'm looking for starting a scrap blanket, so this would be a great prize!
Big big hug for you and the kids*
Posted by: buebau | June 17, 2009 at 10:59 AM
i thought i was going to be the 1st person to comment but i guess not! i don't need any fabrics because i have my own stash to deal with. i just wanted to tell you that i am so excited for you for the new studio and the new ventures. my offer to help at QM and sewing still stands! can't wait to see you in houston!
Posted by: jonah | June 17, 2009 at 11:00 AM
Wow, you are so busy! Your clothing is adorable, as are the models! I love the fabric choices. It must be so exciting to be planning and organizing your studio. You inspire me! The giveaway looks fun! I would love all those scraps! I want to make some little purses or bags, and a scrap quilt! Here's hoping! Thanks!
Posted by: Karen | June 17, 2009 at 11:45 AM
I am also a follower of your blog!
Posted by: Karen | June 17, 2009 at 11:45 AM
Wow, I love the look of your scraps! (and i'd be overjoyed to win!). I'd definitely use them for quilting, as I love to add in a variety of prints, colors, and designers in my quilts. Thanks for the chance!
Posted by: Ashley | June 17, 2009 at 11:49 AM
I'm also a follower of your blog!
Posted by: Ashley | June 17, 2009 at 11:50 AM
And, I just joined your flickr group!
Posted by: Ashley | June 17, 2009 at 11:51 AM
OMG: what a lovely box full of Happiness!!! If I would win this fantastic giveaway, first of all I would drool on all these lovely fabbies ^_^ After that I would (have to) wash them, and then I would make a lovely foundation pieced scrappy quilt with it.
So.....please count me in.
Greetings from the Netherlands,
Posted by: Gert | June 17, 2009 at 11:52 AM
What a great giveaway. I love the horse skirt and top, so darling! I would use the craps for who knows what but I love scraps, especially other people's scraps because they always have the greatest fabrics.
I'm on your mailing list and subscribe to the feed and Im also in the flickr group.
Posted by: Mama Urchin | June 17, 2009 at 12:03 PM
I don't think I can hope to win twice, but I love your scraps!! I would make a quilt for sure!
You are so crazy busy - love your new space, and all that you are working on sounds exciting!
Posted by: Amy @ parkcitygirl | June 17, 2009 at 12:08 PM
I'm a blog subscriber and newsletter subscriber :)
Posted by: Amy @ parkcitygirl | June 17, 2009 at 12:08 PM
Ooh, I love scraps :) I see lots of pillows and pillow cases in my future if I win :D Thanks so much for sharing the wealth :)
Posted by: Harley | June 17, 2009 at 12:14 PM
I subscribe to you via Reader :) And I meant to say your studio space looks awesome!
Posted by: Harley | June 17, 2009 at 12:15 PM
I tweeted :)
Posted by: Harley | June 17, 2009 at 12:16 PM
I'm a member of your Flickr group :)
Posted by: Harley | June 17, 2009 at 12:18 PM
Wow! That box looks so pretty! LOL! I would use the scraps to create a few small things to get started. I'm just jumping into needle arts, so I am learning, slowly, but surely! LOL! I would also use some for scrapbooking and card making!
Posted by: Jingle | June 17, 2009 at 12:28 PM
I subscribe to your mailing list!
Posted by: Jingle | June 17, 2009 at 12:30 PM
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/JustJingle/status/2211161438
Posted by: Jingle | June 17, 2009 at 12:31 PM
I joined your flickr group!
Posted by: Jingle | June 17, 2009 at 12:31 PM
hi sheree, such exciting news!!!! i can't wait for your patterns, i am sure they will be wonderful. i am on your mailing list, i believe and probably on the flickr group but will double check. as for scraps, so many uses but snap wallets would probably be first and hair accessories a close second!
Posted by: andrea | June 17, 2009 at 12:43 PM