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June 17, 2009


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I've just twitted about this giveaway :)https://twitter.com/buebau


I'm in your mailing list too*


i would love this box of fab scraps and the pattern and would sew dresses and matching bags for my granddaughters ...


I'm a member of the Sheree's Alchemy Sewing Circle on flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/fio_d_art/


i just joined the sewing circle and my name is *midnight hysteria* for my blog, on which i have not written in almost a year ... i know, bad, bad me!


And I just realised that my 1st comment has disapeared :(Here it goes again :)
1st of all, congratulations on you wonderful working space! it looks amazing! I love the birdcage in your 1st photo.
You have so many great projects going on at the same time! how can you manage everything??? it's insane... but great :) I wish you all the luck and success with the market and the festival!
About the giveaway, you know I love your scraps :) They'd be great for me to use in my 1st patchwork project. I've had a patchwork workshop last month and I'm looking for starting a scrap blanket, so this would be a great prize!
Big big hug for you and the kids*


i thought i was going to be the 1st person to comment but i guess not! i don't need any fabrics because i have my own stash to deal with. i just wanted to tell you that i am so excited for you for the new studio and the new ventures. my offer to help at QM and sewing still stands! can't wait to see you in houston!


Wow, you are so busy! Your clothing is adorable, as are the models! I love the fabric choices. It must be so exciting to be planning and organizing your studio. You inspire me! The giveaway looks fun! I would love all those scraps! I want to make some little purses or bags, and a scrap quilt! Here's hoping! Thanks!


I am also a follower of your blog!


Wow, I love the look of your scraps! (and i'd be overjoyed to win!). I'd definitely use them for quilting, as I love to add in a variety of prints, colors, and designers in my quilts. Thanks for the chance!


I'm also a follower of your blog!


And, I just joined your flickr group!


OMG: what a lovely box full of Happiness!!! If I would win this fantastic giveaway, first of all I would drool on all these lovely fabbies ^_^ After that I would (have to) wash them, and then I would make a lovely foundation pieced scrappy quilt with it.
So.....please count me in.

Greetings from the Netherlands,


Mama Urchin

What a great giveaway. I love the horse skirt and top, so darling! I would use the craps for who knows what but I love scraps, especially other people's scraps because they always have the greatest fabrics.

I'm on your mailing list and subscribe to the feed and Im also in the flickr group.

Amy @ parkcitygirl

I don't think I can hope to win twice, but I love your scraps!! I would make a quilt for sure!

You are so crazy busy - love your new space, and all that you are working on sounds exciting!

Amy @ parkcitygirl

I'm a blog subscriber and newsletter subscriber :)


Ooh, I love scraps :) I see lots of pillows and pillow cases in my future if I win :D Thanks so much for sharing the wealth :)


I subscribe to you via Reader :) And I meant to say your studio space looks awesome!


I tweeted :)



I'm a member of your Flickr group :)


Wow! That box looks so pretty! LOL! I would use the scraps to create a few small things to get started. I'm just jumping into needle arts, so I am learning, slowly, but surely! LOL! I would also use some for scrapbooking and card making!


I subscribe to your mailing list!


I tweeted! http://twitter.com/JustJingle/status/2211161438


I joined your flickr group!


hi sheree, such exciting news!!!! i can't wait for your patterns, i am sure they will be wonderful. i am on your mailing list, i believe and probably on the flickr group but will double check. as for scraps, so many uses but snap wallets would probably be first and hair accessories a close second!

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