Happy Friday Folks!
I hope you all enjoyed a great week. I have been super productive. Honestly, being productive is my only option these days, as I have so many deadlines quickly approaching. Today I wanted to share a little shop update with you all and then I have a fabulous giveaway to share!
Before I get to these two things, I need to share this giveaway that Jodi is hosting! Stop by to enter...drawing ends on August 3rd.
Okay, let's get to the shop talk! I took a bit of a break from sewing and got some amazing fat quarter bundles ready for listing on the website! I'd started cutting these in preparation for Quilt Festival. But they are so pretty sitting here, I decided to share some with my internet customers. Most of these fabrics are long out of print. Finally parting with a bit more of them! Here is a peek of some of the goodness.
I'll be listing these throughout the weekend, along with all of these!
I'll put a little update here when I get all these fabrics and bundles shown here up on the website. And I'll send out a new newsletter as well. *****The website has been updated! and a new newsletter sent!*****
While I love putting together these fabric bundles a part of me always feel a bit jealous of the new owners, as I don't get enough time to play with them myself. I did decide to keep these two though. The bundle at the top is all 1/2 yard cuts and the bundle at the right bottom are fat quarters. I can never seem to get enough of these colors, especially together! I already know what I'll make with them, too! I hope to sneak some time to play with them this weekend!
I also wanted to remind those of you that subscribe to the newsletter to be sure to check it for a new coupon code. Also, I'll include a lovely little bundle of scraps with all orders placed until August 31st. And purchases this week get you extra entries in today's Giveaway! See details below.
Now, on to the newest Super Summer Giveaway bundle! Since I missed a couple weeks, I made this one just ridiculously good! Atleast I think it is! :) One lucky winner will receive all of the following!
This fabulous pattern from Amy Butler. Wouldn't it be fun to make your own laptop cover and mp3 case!
These vintage buttons....all vintage mother of pearl.
All of these scraps....lots of out of print designer fabrics and precious European fabrics in here. Most are pretty large scrap pieces, so even if you don't quilt, you should be able to find a use for these for small crafts, small bags, etc... This is about 1/2 of a flat rate priority box worth of scraps.
1 yard of each of these Denyse Schmidt fabrics from her Country Fair collection...the decorator weight line. These are 60 inches wide and 100% cotton. Gorgeous! (I'll be getting yardage of these up on the site this weekend). I whipped up a new tote bag using these two fabrics together...turned out super cute.
And this bundle of fat quarters (this bundle will also go up on the site this weekend)! These fabrics all work amazingly well together! Love, Love the colors and already cut out some new items for Fall using them.
What do you think...do you love it? Well, I sure do!
Okay, now for the rules for this giveaway.
You can get up to 7 (a lucky number!) entries in this week's giveaway.
1. Leave a comment here telling me what your favorite color or color combination is and why? I love pretty much all colors, but my all time favorite is red. It has been since I was a teen. My high school colors were red, white and black. And I started wearing red then and have loved it ever since. Now you can find bits of red scattered throughout my house. Lots of red in my closet. And my two favorite handbags are red. Most of my favorite fabrics also have red in them as well.
2. Blog about this giveaway and leave a comment here so I can get you your second entry and leave a link to your blog so we can all stop by and say hello!
3. Post a picture of something you've sewn in the Sheree's Alchemy Sewing Circle Flickr Group. Leave me another comment here with a link to your photo so we can stop by and see what you've made.
4. Subscribe to my Newsletter and/or Blog feed. Leave me a comment here telling me which you subscribe to and I'll get you your 4th entry.
5. Make a purchase from my website and get 3 extra chances to win!!! Remember, you'll be getting a free bundle of scraps with each purchase as well. I really wanted to give those that support my shop an extra chance to win this time. At the same time, I don't want to make purchasing from the shop a requisite to getting a chance to win. So I think this is a good compromise. I hope you do too! You don't need to leave a comment here. I'll add your extra entries automatically. All purchases made until August 9th will qualify. Six entries per order.
So you have up to 10 chances to win! I'll leave this giveaway open until August 9th. And will announce the winner soon after.
Okay, I have to scoot. Leah is in her first musical today! She is playing the role of Glinda in Wicked at our local performing arts center. The kids have done a couple acting/drama camps this summer. I'll share pics of Leah's performance as well as their other performances in an upcoming post.
Have a great weekend, folks!!
Talk soon,
What a completely fabulous, generous giveaway! Thank you so much for sharing your stash! I'll definitely be visiting your shop, too. :-)
Posted by: Jenni | July 31, 2009 at 12:19 PM
Oops...forgot to mention my favorite color combo! In high school, it was very much green and purple, but now I'm really into the red and aqua combination. They are so beautiful together and looking at them seems to energize and inspire me. One of my *many* projects is a new quilt for my bed with red, aqua, and white. And I would love to use some of the fabric you pictured! Thanks again!!!
Posted by: Jenni | July 31, 2009 at 12:30 PM
My favorite color combination is red&aqua!
I also love brown&aqua and bown&pink. But red&aqua just drive me crazy :)
This is a super giveaway, Sheree!
Hugs from Portugal!
Posted by: buebau | July 31, 2009 at 12:43 PM
Also in red&aqua, I've made this fabric house, that I've put in the Sheree's Alchemy Sewing Circle Flickr Group:
Isn't it cute?
Posted by: buebau | July 31, 2009 at 12:45 PM
I'm a subscriber of your newsletter (and a follower of your blog, of course)
Posted by: buebau | July 31, 2009 at 12:46 PM
I love red and purple. I have been drawn to red as well since grade school when I got my first red shoes. I am also a blog follower and I subscribe to your newsletter. Thanks for this chance.
Posted by: Connie Sayler | July 31, 2009 at 01:13 PM
I love blue. Always have. Not sure why. Maybe because it is calming.
Posted by: Mary P | July 31, 2009 at 01:18 PM
What a great and very generous giveaway.
1 - my favourite color combos are lime greens and purples, I too also love red especially with aqua.
2 - I follow you through google reader and just subscribed to your newsletter
3 - Blogged about the giveaway here - http://www.thisandthatcraft.blogspot.com/ - I used some of your photos for my blog post - was that okay?
Posted by: Heather | July 31, 2009 at 01:24 PM
My favorite color is green. The green I love most is what my kids call "Puke Green". Right now I love it mixed with brown and maybe a dusty purple.
Posted by: Allie | July 31, 2009 at 01:47 PM
I follow you through Reader. :)
Posted by: Allie | July 31, 2009 at 01:48 PM
What a super giveaway! My favorite color combination at the moment is chocolate brown and robin's egg blue. This combo is so restful and cool, especially in the bedroom. I'm am currently dreaming of redoing my bedroom in these colors. Thanks for the giveaway. Love your blog!
Posted by: Susan C | July 31, 2009 at 01:49 PM
Here is one of my recent finishes in your flickr group.
Posted by: Allie | July 31, 2009 at 01:50 PM
I have just subscribed to your newsletter. Thanks!
Posted by: Susan C | July 31, 2009 at 01:50 PM
I love green fabrics right now. My color preferences tend to change, but for now, green is making me smile the most.
Posted by: Hannah | July 31, 2009 at 02:07 PM
I subscribe to your RSS feed.
Posted by: Hannah | July 31, 2009 at 02:07 PM
Right now I like orange and turquoise together. That may change by tomorrow.
I am a follower.
Posted by: Mary on Lake Pulaski | July 31, 2009 at 02:29 PM
What an amazing giveaway.
My fave colour combo is aqua and greens at the moment!
Posted by: Tamara Bell | July 31, 2009 at 02:39 PM
I up loaded a photo...be warned...its not as good as everything else on there
Posted by: Tamara Bell | July 31, 2009 at 02:41 PM
and I've blogged about your amazing giveaway...didn't really want to share it thought its too fab!!
Posted by: Tamara Bell | July 31, 2009 at 02:42 PM
and I've subscribed to your newsletter....oh no....that might lead me to shop!
Posted by: Tamara Bell | July 31, 2009 at 02:47 PM
And now I've just blogged about this "ridiculously good" giveaway :)
Posted by: buebau | July 31, 2009 at 03:01 PM
I love it all....especially the scraps. I follow you, have signed up for the newsletter and love the pinks/purples and reds.
Posted by: Mary | July 31, 2009 at 03:02 PM
I have always loved greens! Any shade! This year, I'm really liking it paired with aqua for that beachy calm feel. Kids use to complain the house was so boring...every room was ending up green...green/yellow in the kitchen; green/cream in the bedroom; green/coral in the living and dining rooms etc...well my sewing room is going aqua/ green now..lol.
Posted by: Shelley C | July 31, 2009 at 03:40 PM
I'm pretty sure I'm already a subscriber....
Posted by: Shelley C | July 31, 2009 at 03:42 PM
oh what an amazing and generous give away. My favourite colours are blue and green. Blue for the skies and water and green for the land and trees/plants. Most any variation of the two I like, and there are so many!
Posted by: Lee | July 31, 2009 at 03:43 PM