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July 31, 2009


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What a completely fabulous, generous giveaway! Thank you so much for sharing your stash! I'll definitely be visiting your shop, too. :-)


Oops...forgot to mention my favorite color combo! In high school, it was very much green and purple, but now I'm really into the red and aqua combination. They are so beautiful together and looking at them seems to energize and inspire me. One of my *many* projects is a new quilt for my bed with red, aqua, and white. And I would love to use some of the fabric you pictured! Thanks again!!!


My favorite color combination is red&aqua!
I also love brown&aqua and bown&pink. But red&aqua just drive me crazy :)
This is a super giveaway, Sheree!
Hugs from Portugal!


Also in red&aqua, I've made this fabric house, that I've put in the Sheree's Alchemy Sewing Circle Flickr Group:
Isn't it cute?


I'm a subscriber of your newsletter (and a follower of your blog, of course)

Connie Sayler

I love red and purple. I have been drawn to red as well since grade school when I got my first red shoes. I am also a blog follower and I subscribe to your newsletter. Thanks for this chance.

Mary P

I love blue. Always have. Not sure why. Maybe because it is calming.


What a great and very generous giveaway.
1 - my favourite color combos are lime greens and purples, I too also love red especially with aqua.

2 - I follow you through google reader and just subscribed to your newsletter

3 - Blogged about the giveaway here - http://www.thisandthatcraft.blogspot.com/ - I used some of your photos for my blog post - was that okay?


My favorite color is green. The green I love most is what my kids call "Puke Green". Right now I love it mixed with brown and maybe a dusty purple.


I follow you through Reader. :)

Susan C

What a super giveaway! My favorite color combination at the moment is chocolate brown and robin's egg blue. This combo is so restful and cool, especially in the bedroom. I'm am currently dreaming of redoing my bedroom in these colors. Thanks for the giveaway. Love your blog!


Here is one of my recent finishes in your flickr group.


Susan C

I have just subscribed to your newsletter. Thanks!


I love green fabrics right now. My color preferences tend to change, but for now, green is making me smile the most.


I subscribe to your RSS feed.

Mary on Lake Pulaski

Right now I like orange and turquoise together. That may change by tomorrow.

I am a follower.

Tamara Bell

What an amazing giveaway.

My fave colour combo is aqua and greens at the moment!

Tamara Bell

I up loaded a photo...be warned...its not as good as everything else on there

Tamara Bell


and I've blogged about your amazing giveaway...didn't really want to share it thought its too fab!!

Tamara Bell

and I've subscribed to your newsletter....oh no....that might lead me to shop!


And now I've just blogged about this "ridiculously good" giveaway :)



I love it all....especially the scraps. I follow you, have signed up for the newsletter and love the pinks/purples and reds.

Shelley C

I have always loved greens! Any shade! This year, I'm really liking it paired with aqua for that beachy calm feel. Kids use to complain the house was so boring...every room was ending up green...green/yellow in the kitchen; green/cream in the bedroom; green/coral in the living and dining rooms etc...well my sewing room is going aqua/ green now..lol.

Shelley C

I'm pretty sure I'm already a subscriber....


oh what an amazing and generous give away. My favourite colours are blue and green. Blue for the skies and water and green for the land and trees/plants. Most any variation of the two I like, and there are so many!

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