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September 09, 2009


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Angelina S.

Just wanted to say I think that some of Harmony's interview responses aren't displaying properly. They seem to be cut off.

I stopped by her website a few weeks ago but can't remember the names of my favorites. I'll stop back by here with my giveaway entry post after having another look-see. Thanks for the giveaway and the interview. Looking forward to reading the rest of it!


Too cute! All of it! My favs are the moon in blue and the alphbet soup. Thanks for the introduction and wonderful giveaway.


wonderfull is not enough!! I love 40 gingkos and red designs.thank you for this chance

Lori Kay

my favorite is "silent stumps." Love the swirls.


these are absolutely beautiful fabrics!!!!! ohio would be my fave, but ears of the earth is a close second, and graceland third.

D Spack

Mmmm moon in blue! Thanks for a great giveaway and heads up with the interview and all..

Solstice Mama

Love all of it!! Especially "sweet jane". My daughter's would love anything made with that print. Thanks for the chance!


Beautiful fabrics! I love both "Garden" in cotton sateen and "Ohio" as a knit. If I had them I'd sew some clothes for my daughter and maybe even something for me! :)

Amy - parkcitygirl

Thanks for sharing!! Whispering grass is beautiful! My girl keeps asking for a dress - I would love to do that with these beautiful fabrics :)


I love that they're available in different weights, including twill like this one: http://www.harmonyart.com/prints/LetitGrow.html

Mary on Lake Pulaski

My favorite is from the Full Bloom line and it is called Alphabet Soup. Great fabrics!!

Mary P

The Graceland is gorgeous. But really, all of it is!


That is a hard choice - but I really like the 'moon' fabric - so simple and so graphic and elegant. And I love the whole concept - am sure I will look deeper into Harmony's fabrics!


I like the surrender fabric - but they are all beautiful!!


Hi, I'm loving the Sweet Jane in the cotton sateen, a really pretty and versatile floral. Thanks for the opportunity to go into the draw.


Hi, Back again, I just blogged about your awesome giveaway! Thanks for the second chance :-)

Mary Sue

It's so nice for you to interview Harmony. She is an inspiration to all of us who know her. I love that so many people have different favorites. I'd have to vote for Fields of Honey because it was inspired by my garden and named in honor of my dog. I have a bedspread made out of it and it looks elegant and makes me very happy every time I see it. I've been making cloth bags to give to people to carry their lunch or to use as produce bags and it would be fun to use Harmony's fabric.


They are all beautiful but Ohio takes my breath away. Thanks for the interview, esp. the bit about "cheap" goods. Very informative.

Tamara Bell

I like the surrender knit (would make lovley PJ pants!) and Fields of Honey is beautiful too

What wonderful designs she has.


I love all things green and "let it grow" is a very nice color. There are so many nice fabrics it's hard to decide on only one. paweis(at)yahoo(dot)com


There's so many gorgeous fabrics to choose from! What a tough decision. :o) Sweet Jane caught my eye.
Thanks for the interesting interview and the generous giveaway, Sheree.


Wow! I have never seen such a gorgeous collection of organic fabrics. Stumps Speak organic denim is so beautiful and original, and the Solstice interlock is just lovely.


i love the garden sateen. soo pretty! please enter me for the competition


Oh, all so beautiful, it's hard to pick ONE favourite!
I just love 40 ginkgos, whispering grass, let it grow, and pink moon! All the colours coordinate so well over the whole range!

I would put these beauties to use by making lovely quilts, softies or something else which takes my fancy.

Thanks for an awesome giveaway!


I just tweeted about the giveaway! Fingers crossed now!

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