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December 08, 2010


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You have amazing willpower, Sheree! With so many lovely fabrics calling your name and preparing for moving being no easy task, I wouldn't have blamed you one bit, for sitting down to sew all day.

Good luck with your move.


I did have to use some will power here, Katherine! I do hope to squeeze in a few hours at the machine this weekend. I am seriously missing her right now!

Thanks for the luck on the move...I will take all I can get! :)

Amy Herbst (Herbst Handmade)

Sheree, love your blog! And the fabrics are great. Good luck with your move! (btw - found you in the comments over at JCasa :-))


Thanks for stopping by Amy!

Jill Sampson

Hi Sheree,

Remember me... I met you at your shop before I moved to Texas this summer. We were the family with the teenage daughter that lived up the street. Oh how she would have LOVED your store!!! :) Right up her alley... :) I soooo wish I had met you earlier. We are doing well. Moved to the Clear Lake Area. Your business and life look wonderful!!!

Hope to see you when we are back for a visit this summer... Jill Sampson

Megan Hahn

Hi Sheree,

It is so fantastic to hear what you are doing! I, too, have a PhD (in chemistry), and I have so many diversified interests, including crafts (mainly knitting and crochet, and I'm working on my first sewing project!), hula hooping, baking, and cake decorating. I sometimes think, "Well, if this chemistry thing doesn't work out....I may have a Plan B." :-) Thanks for confirming that scientists CAN have other interests!

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