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October 01, 2012

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About Me

  • Hello! Welcome and Thank You for stopping by my blog! Here, I share a bit about how I Live, what makes me Laugh, what I Love and things I Create! I am a chemist by training (I have a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry), but instead of mixing up chemicals in a lab, I spend my days mixing up fabrics to create lovely clothing and accessories! When my daughter was born, my desire to climb the corporate ladder was succumbed by my desire to mother, so I hung up my labcoat and resigned from my job. I miss my days in the lab, but I am thoroughly enjoying my new job as a pattern and clothing designer and maker of lovely things! I am launched a new line of contemporary sewing and quilting patterns and I run an online fabric shop as well as a small online boutique where I sell my handmade goods. Here in this space, I share bits of my days, things I love and of course talk way too much about fabric and design.

My Shops

  • Be sure to stop by my website to see all my handmade goods available for sale in the boutique, as well as a host of fabrics, patterns, yarn and more available in the creativity shop!
    Featured items:
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  • I have two shops on Etsy...one for sewing goods and for handmade goods!

    Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade


  • Qualify for Free Fabric Giveaways, Receive my Newsletter and Announcements of New Projects and Products!
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    to receive the Sheree's Alchemy Newsletter!

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    This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called Things I have made. Make your own badge here.

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Living In Germany

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    This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called Adventures in Europe. Make your own badge here.
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